invaginate|invaginated|invaginates|invaginating in English


draw within itself, fold within itself (of the intestines)

Use "invaginate|invaginated|invaginates|invaginating" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "invaginate|invaginated|invaginates|invaginating" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "invaginate|invaginated|invaginates|invaginating", or refer to the context using the word "invaginate|invaginated|invaginates|invaginating" in the English Dictionary.

1. The chrysalis is invaginated.

2. VEGF are produced in epithelial cells and mesenchymal cells which invaginate in the epithelial region of the Anlagen on Ed13.

3. Tectal Beaking refers to the fusion of the midbrain colliculi into a single beak pointing posteriorly and invaginating into the cerebellum

4. The acrosomal plate is a thickening of the acrosomal lamella, which is mostly invaginated into the posterior part of the spermatozoon as an acrosomal channel.

5. Duplicated mesendoderm cells and Archenterons formed in CD + CD recombinations, while AB + AB recombinations formed blastulae but did not produce mesendoderm cells and did not invaginate

6. A, Blastula stage (one-cell-layered eaten its way into the in sac), with commencing invaginated endodermal sac, vagination of the wall of the and the cells pushed in with sac at bl, the blastopore

7. The inner germ‐band layer is formed by invagination of cells from a median Blastoporic groove and by cellular proliferations among the invaginating cells and from the median line of the ectoderm immediately caudad of the Blastoporic groove